Frequently Asked Questions
Please view the list of frequently asked question for parents/guardians of First Tee Greater Wilmington participants. If you have additional questions, please email Dana Schoenbach, Program Director at [email protected].
What is First Tee?
First Tee is a youth development organization that enables kids to build the strength of character that empowers them through a lifetime of new challenges. By seamlessly integrating the game of golf with a life skills curriculum, we create active learning experiences that build inner strength, self-confidence, and resilience that kids can carry to everything they do. We’re Building Game Changers through our junior golf programs.
The First Tee Network is finishing it’s Transition from Level-Based programming to Age-Based Programming in 2023. This has been a multi-year, network-wide transition including a Brand Update, Curriculum Update, the addition of an app (coming in 2023), etc. For more information regarding the Transition to Age-Based Programing, click the button below.
Who can sign-up for First Tee Greater Wilmington classes?
Any youth ages 5 – 17 may register for First Tee programs
What programs are offered at First Tee Greater Wilmington?
FTGW offers Spring & Fall Classes (classes meet 1x/week for 8 weeks), Golf Skills Clinics during school breaks, Half & Full Day Summer Camps, monthly Girls Golf Events, additional tournaments and events throughout the year. Check out the PROGRAMS page to find more information, including Program Schedules and Locations.
How does First Tee Registration work?
All Registration are processed ONLINE ONLY through the Parent Registration Portal. Please CLICK HERE for step-by-step directions for how to register your child for our First Tee programs.
Do I need to purchase a Jr. Membership?
Yes, Jr. Memberships are REQUIRED and participants will receive a 2023 Jr. Membership Bag Tag, which can be picked up prior to class (as of 2/15/2023) or on the first day of class. The Jr. Membership allows participants to access registration for all FTGW programs. Additionally, there are some perks that come with the Jr. Membership as well, such as the opportunity to utilize the First Tee 3-Hole Loop with immediate family and their Jr. Membership Bag Tag.
There is a MULTIPLE CHILD DISCOUNT offered, please email Dana Schoenbach, [email protected], PRIOR TO COMPLETING REGISTRATION for more information.:
- First Child – $50
- Second Child – $25
- Third Child or more – $0
*Families with multiple participants will NEVER pay more than $75 total for Jr. Memberships*
Click here for more information about the Jr. Membership (FAQ’s).
Is Financial Assistance offered if need be?
YES! First Tee Greater Wilmington will never turn a child away from program for the inability to pay. We work with families so their children may participate in our programs. We do, however ask that if you are able to pay a portion of any of the costs that you do so. By receiving financial assistance, you will be subject to our attendance policy (see below).
- NEW PROCESS!!! Please Read – Applying for Financial Assistance will now be part of the registration process. Please follow the steps below:
- Step 1: Create and/or Login to your account via the Parent Registration Portal
- Step 2: Register your child for your desired class by adding the class to the cart
- If you add a class to your cart, you MUST complete registration within 48 hours. If registration is not competed in 48 hours, the class will be removed from your cart, marked “ABANDONED” and your spot will be lost.
- Step 3: Once you add your child(ren) to the cart, click PROCEED TO CHECKOUT
- Step 4: Continue the Event Registration by filling out the participant’s contact information and answering the questions. When you get to the Financial Assistance page, please click that you would like to apply. Answer the questions and click continue.
- Step 5: Select the participant(s) that you would like to receive consideration for assistance. Once you have made your selections, you MUST email [email protected] letting our staff know you have applied.
- Step 6: Once our staff has received your email, a determination will be made. Upon determination, you will received an email with directions to complete your registration. You will have 48 hours to complete your registration. Failure to complete your registration in 48 hours will result in your registration being canceled.
What do I do if the class I want to register my participant for is Full?
Each class has a limited number of available and waitlist spots. If the class you want to register your participant for is Full, you can add the participant to a waitlist. Waitlists are on a first come first service basis. If your participant is on a waitlist, they are NOT registered for that class. If a space becomes available, the system will automatically move down the sending emails to those who are eligible to register.
Does my participant need golf experience to join First Tee?
No experience is necessary to join and enjoy First Tee programs. We will teach you everything you need to know!
Does my participant need to bring their own golf clubs?
No, your participant does not need to have their own golf clubs to participate. If your participant does have their own golf clubs, they are more than welcome to bring them to class each week, as well as any other equipment they may have in their golf bag. If your participant does not have their own clubs, they have the following options:
- BORROW – Any participant may borrow clubs each week/day of their program. Coaches will provide them clubs upon arrival and they will return them at the end of each class. This is a great option, however it does not allow participants to practice outside of class, unless they have other access to golf clubs outside of class.
- RENT – Participants may rent a set of golf clubs from First Tee Greater Wilmington for the duration of their session. Rental sets of golf clubs are to be taken home and brought to class each week. This option allows participants to have access to golf clubs to practice outside of First Tee programs. The rental fee is $10 and can be purchased in the Parent Registration Portal. Click here for more information about Jr. Rental Clubs.
What else should my participant bring to First Tee programs?
Participants are encouraged to always bring a water bottle. On hot days, a towel to keep them dry, sunscreen and a hat.
What is the First Tee Dress Code?
First Tee participants are encouraged to wear golf clothes such as a collard shirt and khaki (or black/navy) shorts/skirts or pants.
Golf or Athletic Shoes MUST be worn at all times!
Participants CANNOT wear Crocs, Slides, Flip Flops or Open Toed Shoes of any kind, Cleats, or Boots.
Where do I Drop-Off and Pick-Up my participant?
ALL Participants MUST be checked in & checked out of their program by a parent/guardian. A participant WILL NOT be dismissed to the parking lot on their own (unless a participant drives themselves to First Tee) for their own SAFETY – we see too many people racing through our parking lot and do not trust the drivers. Until parents/guardians have physically signed-out their participants, they are still in our care and Safety is our #1 priority!
Each location has it’s own specific Meeting Spot for Drop-off & Pick-Up:
- First Tee Loop (Muni) – Picnic Tables
- Ironclad – Between practice Putting Green and Driving Range
- Porters Neck – Next to practice Putting Green
- Beau Rivage – Next to practice Putting Green
- Pine Valley – Next to practice Putting Green
Who will be teaching/coaching my participant(s)?
All First Tee Greater Wilmington Volunteer and Paid Coaches are Background Checked and Trained by FTGW Staff PRIOR to them working with youth participants.
As a parent/guardian, what should I expect or do during class?
During the first week of each session, we ask that parents/guardians stick around for 5-10 minutes after class starts for our staff to review some essential reminders. Post reminders, parents/guardians are welcome to stay and observe (keeping a 30 yard distance from class), but it is not a requirement. Should a participant need something (i.e. to use the restroom) we prefer the parents/guardians to assist the participant. If a parent/guardian is not present, a coach and additional participants or coaches, will take participants to the restroom.
Are parents/guardians allowed to participate in class?
While we welcome you to stay and observe class, we ask that parents/guardians refrain from participating in class. Should you be interested in volunteering, please contact our Program Director, Dana Schoenbach [email protected]
Who should I contact if my participant cannot attend a class?
If your participant cannot attend class, we ask that you contact our Program Director, Dana Schoenbach [email protected]. This will allow Lead Coaches to make the necessary adjustments.
If my participant cannot attend a class, can they attend a different class during the week as a make-up?
Participants are only allowed to attend the class in which they are registered for.
First Tee Greater Wilmington Facility
Where is First Tee Greater Wilmington’s facility located?
310 Donald Ross Dr., Wilmington, NC 28405 – at the Wilmington Municipal Golf Course
What is the FTGW Learning Center?
- Old fire station building in the same parking lot as the Wilmington Municipal Golf Course Clubhouse
- Staff Offices are in the building
- Classroom space for indoor programs available
How can I gain access to “The Loop”? Can anyone practice there?
- NOT a Driving Range
- Putting Green & 3 Practice Holes available ONLY to active FTGW Participants, their immediate family and Volunteers
- Participants MUST have their 2023 Jr. Membership Bag Tag with them at ALL times when practicing
- Volunteers MUST have their Volunteer Name Tag with them at ALL times when practicing
- FTGW Classes and programs are hosted on the facility
- Please see the FTGW Reference Map below:

Waitlist Policy
Each program has a limited number of spots, based on the number of coaches available. If a program is full and there are still available spaces on the waitlist, you are able to add your participant to that list. Waitlists are on a first come first serve basis. If a space becomes available in a class and your participant is next on the list you will receive an email asking you to complete registration.
Please note the following about waitlists :
- You may only add your participant to ONE waitlist – we have limited spaces available
- Waitlists are on a first come first serve basis
- Adding your participant to a waitlist does NOT mean they are registered
- If a space becomes available and your participant is next on the list you will receive an email asking you to complete registration
- You have 48 hours from receiving that email to complete registration
- If you do not compete registration within the 48 hours, the program will be removed from your cart, marked “ABANDONED” and you spot will be lost
- If a space becomes available in your desired class and you receive your email to complete registration, BUT your participant is already registered for another:
- You MUST email the Program Director, Dana Schoenbach – dana@thefirstteegreaterwilmington – who will then transfer the completed registration to the desired class
- This ensures parents are not paying multiple registration fees for one class
- You MUST email the Program Director, Dana Schoenbach – dana@thefirstteegreaterwilmington – who will then transfer the completed registration to the desired class
Inclement Weather Policy
In the case of inclement weather, we will do everything possible to hold classes as scheduled. We typically only cancel a class for severe weather (including warnings). A decision to cancel a class is made 1.5 – 2 hours prior to the start of class. If we need to cancel classes, we will EMAIL all participants as well as POST an announcement on our WEBSITE and all SOCIAL MEDIA platforms including FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM. Please DO NOT CALL the golf course or facility for any updates.
Drop-off/Pick-Up Policy
- Drop-Off – Participants MUST be walked from the parking lot to their class’s meeting spot with coaches! Unless a participant drove themselves to class, they MUST be accompanied by a parent/guardian prior class beginning.
- Pick-Up – Parents/Guardians MUST walk to the meeting spot to pick-up their participants. Unless a participant drove themselves to class, they will NOT be dismissed to the parking lot to meet their parents/Guardians at the car.
- Please note that our #1 priority is participant safety – we’ve seen too many cars flying through our parking lots to allow participants to walk off while still in our care.
*If a participant is going to be picked up by someone other than their own parent/guardian, please be sure to email Dana Schoenbach, Program Director [email protected] and let coaches know upon arrival
Behavior Policy
We expect participants to come ready to learn. We also expect that participants will not interfere with the learning, safety, or well-being of others. Behavior expectations will be covered at the beginning of each session & reviewed as needed. Parents/Guardians will be notified after class if a participant is having difficulty following through in this area. If you know your child has difficult in a group setting, please let us know in advance to best assist your participant – we may need you to stay to help monitor him/her for the safety of all.
If we do face disruptive behavior during a program, our trained staff and volunteers follow a 3-Step protocol to help shift to constructive behavior.
- If disruptive behavior is observed, the participant is pulled aside and issued a WARNING
- If the disruptive behavior continues, the participant will be pulled from the activity, asked to sit out for a few minutes. Prior to returning to the activity, the participant will speak with a trusted coach or staff member.
- If the disruptive behavior still continues, the participant will be asked to sit out for the rest of class and parents/guardians will be spoken to after class.
If this type of behavior spans multiple classes, further conversations will need to be had between all parties (participant, parent/guardian, coaches, staff members)
Phone Policy
First Tee Greater Wilmington allows participants to bring their phones to class, however they will stay in participant’s golf bags for the entirety of class. If a parent/guardian needs to be called it will be done so by a Staff Member or Lead Coach. If a parent/guardian needs to get in touch with a participant during a program, please call our office (910-200-8240) or the emergency # provided at the beginning of class.
Transfer Policy
All class/program transfers may be made up until Registration closes and ONLY IF class space permits. After the start of a session, NO transfers are permitted. All transfer requests must be submitted in writing to [email protected].
Credit Policy
First Tee Greater Wilmington does offer credits. Credits are ONLY accessible via the Parent Registration Portal and used for memberships/class/program registrations during checkout. All credit requests must be submitted in writing to [email protected].
Refund Policy
Refunds will always be issued to the credit card used for payment, minus the credit card fees. Refund requests are processed within 5-10 business days of the request and must be submitted in writing to [email protected].
- 100% Refund (minus fees) will be offered through the end of Week 1 of the Session
- 25% Refund will be offered through the end of Week 4 of the Session
- 0% Refund will be offered from Week 5 to the end of the Session
- Refunds will not be issued for classes cancelled due to weather
Financial Aid Policy
First Tee Greater Wilmington will never turn a child away from a program for the inability to pay. We work with families so their child may participate in our programs. We do, however ask that if you are able to pay a portion of any of the costs that you do so. By receiving financial assistance, you will be subject to our attendance policy (see below).
NEW PROCESS!!! Please Read – Applying for Financial Assistance will now be part of the registration process. Please follow the steps below:
- Step 1: Create and/or Login to your account via the Parent Registration Portal
- Step 2: Register your child for your desired class by adding the class to the cart
- Step 3: Once you add your child(ren) to the cart, click PROCEED TO CHECKOUT
- Step 4: Continue the Event Registration by filling out the participant’s contact information and answering the questions. When you get to the Financial Assistance page, please click that you would like to apply. Answer the questions and click continue.
- Step 5: Select the participant(s) that you would like to receive consideration for assistance. Once you have made your selections, you MUST email [email protected] letting our staff know you have applied.
- Step 6: Once our staff has received your email, a determination will be made. Upon determination, you will received an email with directions to complete your registration. You will have 48 hours to complete your registration. Failure to complete your registration in 48 hours will result in your registration being canceled.
ATTENDANCE POLICY : In order to provide the best possible learning environment, we require that all scholarship participants are actively involved in the program. Your participant is REQUIRED to attend a minimum of 5 classes each session in order to receive Financial Assistance in the future. Please note, our Attendance Policy is due to limited class sizes.
What is the best way to find information regarding First Tee Greater Wilmington programs?
The best way to find FTGW Programming information is to periodically visit the PROGRAMS page on our website. From there you’ll find the most up to date details on all of our various programs offered! Additionally, keep an eye out for FTGW email blasts or visit our social media pages to see what’s happening in our chapter!
How can I help my Participant OUTSIDE of class?
There are a few ways to help your participant with their First Tee “work” outside of class
- Car Talk (COMING SOON)
- First Tee App (COMING SOON)
- Youtube
What is the FTGW Parent Corner?
The Parent Corner (COMING SOON) is a page we’ve created to try and help parents/guardians keep up to date with what’s happening with the First Tee curriculum, stay up to date with what their participant’s are learning in class. Our goal is to help all parents/guardians, especially those who do not play golf, help their participants. CHECK BACK FOR MORE DETAILS SOON
What are First Tee Parent Guides?
The Parents’ Guide provides a general overview of what First Tee is, what First Tee offers, etc.
Does First Tee offer private lessons?
No, First Tee does NOT offer private lessons – we are strictly a group based program. If you are interested in private golf lessons for your participant, please ask the First Tee Greater Wilmington Staff to point you in the right direction.