2025 Junior Membership –

Available for purchase on January 1, 2025

2025 Jr. Memberships are valid through December 31, 2025

Dear Friends & Families of First Tee – Greater Wilmington,

Thank you for your continued support and participation in First Tee – Greater Wilmington programs. In 2020, we were thankful for the addition of our new indoor FTGW Learning Center (the old fire station at the Muni we have now repurposed), our dedicated staff, and our dedicated volunteers. While the past few years brought many challenges, we also challenged ourselves to focus on how to deliver you and your children with an even better experience with our programs. We have been working diligently to provide you with more program times, locations, and teams of dedicated coaches who serve as positive role models and mentors for the youth in all of our programs.

Our goal is to provide participants with the best programming at affordable prices. In 2025, you will need to renew your First Tee Junior Membership which all participants are required to obtain in order to register for programming. Membership is an annual fee of $50 per participant. The fee is separate from registration fees for programs throughout the year; however, your Membership includes complimentary family access to our 3-hole Loop at Wilmington Muni as well as the benefits outlined below. We are pursuing additional benefits to enhance the value of our First Tee Junior Membership Card.

Thank you for being a part of our First Tee family!


Brittany Zachrich, PGA – Executive Director

Jr. Membership Benefits :

2025 First Tee Greater Wilmington Jr. Membership Bag Tag

2025 First Tee Greater Wilmington T-Shirt

First Tee – Greater Wilmington “The Loop” – Access for participants to practice and play, as well as immediate participant family members (Mother/Grandmother, Father/Grandfather, Brothers, Sisters)

Loggerhead Golf Shop – 10% off purchase, must show membership card

… and more benefits Coming Soon!

Rules of The Loop :

Be sure to take a look at the large yellow First Tee Loop Rule sign upon arrival.

  1. 2025 Jr. Membership Bag Tag MUST be with member at ALL times
  2. Immediate Family ONLY may accompany member
  3. MUST have registered for at least 1 First Tee program during the calendar year
  4. Do NOT use The Loop as a Driving Range – it is available for short game practice and play
  5. Fix ALL divots and ball marks found

Jr. Membership FAQ’s :

What is it & Why FTGW Junior Membership?

The annual Junior Membership to First Tee – Greater Wilmington is required by all participants ages 5 to 18. The membership fee allows participants to access registration for all FTGW sessions in the year 2025. The First Tee Junior Membership is critical to the longevity and sustainability of First Tee Greater Wilmington. The fee will allow us to provide more scholarships, additional training for staff and coaches, expansion of program locations, regular upkeep, and beautification of our learning center and 3-hole loop. This membership is valid from 1/1/2025-12/31/2025.

How much does membership cost?

A First Tee – Greater Wilmington Membership fee is a $50 annual fee (per participant) that will be collected upon registering for the first class of the year unless previously purchased. The membership fee is non-refundable, nor transferable from year to year.

Multiple Child Discount

There is a MULTIPLE CHILD DISCOUNT offered, please email Dana Schoenbach, [email protected], PRIOR TO COMPLETING REGISTRATION for more information.:

  1. First Child – $50
  2. Second Child – $25
  3. Third Child or more – $0

*Families with multiple participants will NEVER pay more than $75 total for Jr. Memberships*

How to receive the Multiple Child Discount

  • Create an account via the Parent Registration Portal – this can be done at anytime
    • Add your information as the Parent and then you will need to add your children as the participant(s)
  • When registration opens, you will need to login to your account. You will then need to go ahead and add the Jr. Memberships and programs to your cart. 
    • Once programs are added to your cart, your spots in that program are saved for 48 hours. If after 48 hours registration is not completed, the system will automatically remove the programs in your cart and those spots will be reopened for anyone (registration is first come first serve)
  • Once those programs and memberships are added to your cart. Please email me to let me know and I will add the sibling discount credit to your account. The credit will automatically be added to your cart during the checkout process. 
  • I will email you to let you know once I have added the discount.
  • You can then proceed through the checkout process

Can I request Financial Assistance for the Jr. Membership?

Yes, we will continue to offer, upon request, full or partial financial aid for memberships and programming fees for Active Duty US Military families, young people who qualify for Federal Free or Reduced lunch at school, or those in financial need.

Can I purchase just the membership without enrolling in a class?

No, membership requires participation in a 2025 program.

How do I become a member of the First Tee – Greater Wilmington?

Upon registering your child for their first class of the year or prior to registering your child, parents/guardians can click the “Add membership” button to the left of the participant’s name. This will add the $50 membership fee to your cart and allow you to sign your participant up for programming as well as have access to our facility.

When does my membership expire?

All memberships are annual and expire on December 31 of each calendar year.

How can I provide proof I have purchased a current Jr. Membership?

Every participant who purchases a Jr. Membership will receive a “Jr. Membership Bag Tag” that MUST remain on the participant’s golf bag. Once you have purchased a membership card, you can pick it up in our office or on your first day of First Tee class.

What do I do if I forget my Jr. Membership Bag Tag and want to practice?

INTEGRITY is a First Tee Core Value and we use the HONOR SYSTEM with regard to our facility, but if you are unable to show proof you are a First Tee Member, you will be asked to leave until you can do so.

What do I do if I LOSE my Jr. Membership Bag Tag?

If you have lost your Jr. Membership Bag Tag, you must :

  1. Contact Dana Schoenbach, Program Director – [email protected]
  2. Pay the LOST BAG TAG fee – $5
  3. Pick up your new Jr. Membership Bag Tag